Connect | Cultivate | Collaborate

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Events / Classes

Connect Cultivate Collaborate

Sandhill Crane Festival Art Contest
to Mar 18

Sandhill Crane Festival Art Contest

Students will be provided materials to create an entry for the Sandhill Crane Festival Art Contest at the Lighthouse. Paper, colored pencils, crayons, markers, and paper will be provided during the lunchtimes and after school to create a drawing.

Painting supplies will be provided Friday, March 14, after school. Materials can be accessed until Tuesday, March 18. More details can be obtained at the Lighthouse or The Old Hotel.

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Write Short Stories

Write Short Stories

Welcome to the beginning of a creative journey! Over the course of this workshop, you'll learn how to transform your ideas into a compelling short story by developing rich characters and crafting engaging plots.

Our instructor brings a wealth of experience, having dedicated many years to both writing and photography. His unique perspective will guide you through the nuances of storytelling, helping you to hone your craft and find your unique voice.

To register and find out more information about this 12-session class, please visit Writing Short Stories and sign up today!

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Write Short Stories

Write Short Stories

Welcome to the beginning of a creative journey! Over the course of this workshop, you'll learn how to transform your ideas into a compelling short story by developing rich characters and crafting engaging plots.

Our instructor brings a wealth of experience, having dedicated many years to both writing and photography. His unique perspective will guide you through the nuances of storytelling, helping you to hone your craft and find your unique voice.

To register and find out more information about this 12-session class, please visit Writing Short Stories and sign up today!

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Drug Education for Families

Drug Education for Families

The session will include visual demonstrations, discipline tips, access to valuable resources and support services. Experts will teach parents how to recognize signs of drug use, discuss trending substances like vapes, and provide strategies for talking to youth about drug abuse.

La sesión incluirá demostraciones visuales, consejos de disciplina y acceso a valiosos recursos y servicios de apoyo. Los expertos enseñarán a los padres cómo reconocer los signos del consumo de drogas, analizarán sustancias de moda como los cigarrillos electrónicos, hablan sobre estrategias para como comunicarse con los jóvenes sobre el abuso de drogas.

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  • Roger Thieme Career Center/SkillSource (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Meet local businesses who are hiring and find a great job! Dress for success and bring copies of your resume. Please plan childcare ahead of time.

¡Conozca empresas locales que están contratando y encuentre un excelente trabajo! Vístete para el éxito y trae copias de tu currículum. Por favor planifique el cuidado de los niños con anticipación

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Teen Craft Time

Teen Craft Time

TEENS ONLY Craft Time at the Lighthouse Community Center. Join us for some free hot chocolate and make an ornament, Tuesday, December 3 and Friday, December 13, 2:45-4:00. Bring your friends!

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Teen Craft Time

Teen Craft Time

TEENS ONLY Craft Time at the Lighthouse Community Center. Join us for some free hot chocolate and make an ornament, Tuesday, December 3 and Friday, December 13, 2:45-4:00. Bring your friends!

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What is OCL?

Othello Community Learning

What is Othello Community Learning (OCL)?

  • Othello Community Learning (OCL) aims to provide classes that will help community members connect, cultivate, and collaborate.

  • Rural Development Initiatives (RDI) conducted surveys, focus groups, and meetings over two years to prioritize a community center project. Subsequently, a group of community members established Othello Community Learning.

  • Othello Community Learning (OCL) would not be made possible without the generous funding and support from Rural Development Initiatives (RDI), USDA Rural Development, USDA Rural Development Washington Deputy State Director Tim O'Connell, City of Othello Mayor Shawn Logan, Adams County Development Corporation Executive Director Kyle Niehenke, Reimagining Rural, Avista Foundation, Umpqua Bank, and Innovia Foundation. We are grateful for the support and funding to begin OCL.

    We are also appreciative to Bethel Assembly of God for paying for our operative expenses.

  • OCL will begin in the fall of 2024, and, depending on further funding, we plan to offer classes year round.

  • Our aim is to provide free or affordable classes. A small fee might be charged, which will be determined and payable to the instructor of the class.

  • You can register for classes (above) as they become available. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated of classes as they are added.

    Let us know which classes you'd like to see offered:

    English Intake Form

    Spanish Intake Form

  • Yes! We are always looking for instructors. Please complete this form, Community Class Instructor Form , and someone will be in contact with you.

    The classes will be offered at various locations in Othello depending on availability and access (Mid-Columbia Library, Lighthouse Community Center, The Old Hotel, East Columbia Basin Irrigation Dist. (ECBID), local schools, churches, etc.

Please refer to the Elevate Othello report for more information.